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International Students

International students are welcome to enroll in our programs, and no special requirements are necessary. Simply register, and you'll be able to study in the comfort of your own home with digital or physical materials sent to you; you'll have forty five days to complete the course, and examinations and certificates will also be sent to you upon completion.

Admissions Requirement

Demonstrated capacity to successfully complete and benefit from KBTC Global courses are prerequisite for enrollment as a KBTC student. 
Students can enroll in courses as either Graded Students or Ungraded / Professional Development Students. Students who are graded receive all course materials and completion units. Audit students receive course materials but no credit for course completion. Additionally, all students may enroll in a course for Continuing Education Units (CEU) and earn a CEU Certificate.


Courses for both Distance Education and In house Training Fees are $400.00 Canadian Dollars /course

General Guidelines

The Kingdom Bible Training Center office will follow these general guidelines in awarding completion units for prior learning: • Individuals must be active students before requesting an evaluation of work for which they hope to receive recognition. • Units awarded are officially applied to a student‘s transcript only upon completion of the Residency Requirement of five courses (15 units) and payment of applicable fees. • Students are responsible to gather all transcripts, resumes, certificates, diplomas, etc., for submission to the KBTC Office.

Evaluation Of Accredited Theological Courses

Evaluation of Accredited Theological College Courses Students having earned college credit in theology courses from accredited institutions may receive full or partial recognition for their work. This placement is determined by the evaluation of transcripts submitted by the requesting student and endorsed by the Dean‘s Office of the local school. Courses must have a GPA of 2.0 (C) or higher. Grades of D or below will not be accepted. There is no charge for these units.

Evaluation of Ministerial Experience

Applicants, particularly licenced and ordained ministers, can receive ministerial experience completion units. Along with a copy of the ministerial licence or ordination, a ministry resume must also be submitted. The utmost award for ministerial experience is sixty (60) units for full-time ordained and licenced ministers and thirty (30) units for lay leaders. 
Requests for evaluation must specify whether the ministerial position is full-time or part-time. Each unit will incur a fee. 

CLST Global Accreditation and Association

Christian Life School of Theology Global has met the requirements for exemption from applicable Georgia law as a religious institution under the provision of the Post-secondary Educational Authorization Act, Georgia Code 20-3-100 et seq. As a result, CLST Global awards a variety of Ministry Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees ranging from an Associate of Theology through a Doctor of Sacred Studies.

CLST Global is a member of the International Association of Bible Colleges and Seminaries. The IABCS is a standards-based certification association registered as an accreditation body. The IABCS provides certification that CLST Global adheres to standardized operating requirements in keeping with, and acceptable to, other institutions of higher education. Membership allows CLST Global to maintain its evangelical integrity, while operating according to the highest academic standards. You can view additional information about IABCS at

CLST Global is a member of the Academic Council for Educational Accountability (formerly known as the Apostolic Council for Educational Accountability). ACEA was founded by Dr. C. Peter Wagner (a member of the CLST Global faculty) to provide academic credibility through accountability and association. ACEA is a network of Christian education and Christian training programs and schools. Information about ACEA is available at

CLST Global is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and is approved by ACSI to issue Continuing Education Units (CEU) to CLST Global students and to students at CLEN member schools. This means that CLST Global courses are recognized by many Christian schools for meeting their teachers‘ continuing education requirements. ACSI is the largest provider of programs and services to Christian schools in the world and serves thousands of pre-school, elementary, and secondary institutions. Contact your local school Christian Life School of Theology Global 2020-21 Catalog 4 district for applicable guidelines. More information about ACSI can be obtained from their website:

CLST Global is a member of the Association of Christian Distance Education (ACCESS). The mission of ACCESS is to provide leadership in the field of Christian distance education.

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